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“We are committed to Armenia’s most productive participation in EAEU” – Nikol Pashinyan attends Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting in Nur-Sultan
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As part of his working visit to Kazakhstan, today Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended the jubilee meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in the Palace of Independence, in Nur-Sultan,. The meeting was devoted to the 5th Anniversary of the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty.
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan met the Prime Minister of Armenia and the leaders of other EAEU-member States in the Palace of Independence. A ceremony of handshaking and a protocol photo session was held, followed by the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, which was held first in narrow and then in expanded formats.
During the meeting in a narrow format, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced that First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev was awarded the title of Honorary President of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. Nursultan Nazarbayev was awarded the Medal of Merit for valuable contribution to the development of the Eurasian Economic Union.
RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan delivered a speech, in which he stated, in part:
“Dear Supreme Eurasian Economic Council Members,
Dear Nursultan Abishevich,
Dear Guests,
First of all, I would like to thank the Kazakh side for excellent reception and traditional hospitality, as well as for the brilliant organization of our jubilee summit.
I also want to congratulate First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev on being awarded the title of Honorary President of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. Your role in forming the Union is truly invaluable.
As I have repeatedly noted, we are committed to the most productive participation of Armenia in the EAEU, and we will make every effort to improve cooperation mechanisms and achieve the four freedoms in practice.
Dear colleagues,
I would like to note the following concerning the meeting agenda:
As the presiding country, Armenia prioritizes the expansion of Union’s foreign economic relations. We aim to effectively conclude negotiations with Singapore, Serbia, Egypt, Israel and India. The agreements with Iran and China have already been ratified by the National Assembly of Armenia.
I would like to inform you that during the meetings held with the PRC President and Prime Minister on the margins of my recent visit to Beijing, the cooperation agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union was mentioned as one of the key factors contributing to the growth of economic cooperation between our two countries.
I would like to note with satisfaction the progress achieved in the negotiations with Singapore, despite the fact that they go in three directions: goods, services and investments.
Given the fact that the free trade agreement-targeted negotiations are nearly complete, and the negotiations on the agreement on trade, services and investments are in a pre-final stage, I consider it important to make every effort to sign a package of agreements with Singapore this year.
I wish to inform you that I am set to pay a visit to Singapore this July, during which I will do everything possible to ensure progress in this direction.
The Republic of Armenia, as I have repeatedly noted, is actively involved in and supports the process of creating and implementing the digital agenda of the EAEU. We attach particular importance to the activities of the working groups tasked with the forming of special legal regimes, the launch of online document processing platforms, digital transport corridors and digital development centers.
We are confident that the dynamic development of the work carried out within the framework of the EAEU digital agenda that seeks to enhance the capabilities of member States will help us improve cooperation and create a comfortable environment for businesses. This will allow the member States to increase their competitiveness, boost trade exchanges and services both between member States and with third countries.
The formation of a common energy and electricity market will allow the member States to establish cooperation based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit, ensuring fair competition, based on the economic interests of producers and consumers of electrical energy.
In this regard, the Republic of Armenia welcomes the signing of the Protocols on Amendments to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, prepared to supplement the Methodology for the implementation of interstate transmission of electric energy between member States, taking into account the specifics of joining the EAEU of the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic.
As amended, the methodology will help formulate the power supply planning and coordinating principles between the member States. They will also allow us to formulate the principles of cooperation between system operators in member States and third countries.
In conclusion, I would like to note that we will be happy to welcome you to Yerevan at the next meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council to be held on October 1, this year. Thank you.”
The meeting discussed the main directions of the Union’s international activities in 2018, and the main guidelines for EAEU-member States’ macroeconomic policy in 2019–2020.
The meeting next reviewed issues related to the implementation of EAEU’s digital agenda, the results of monitoring the implementation of the regulations stipulated by the Rules for regulating trade in services, institutions and activities, as well as the implementation of liberalization plans for individual service sectors within the EAEU in 2017–2018.
The following documents were signed during the meeting: the “Protocol on Amendments to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 (regarding the formation of a common electricity market of the Eurasian Economic Union),” “The Protocol on Amendments to the Treaty on the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union of April 11, 2017” and “Agreement on the mechanism of traceability of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union,” the Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on Conditions and Transitional Provisions on the Application of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union by the Kyrgyz Republic of May 29, 2014, certain international treaties included in the law of the Eurasian Economic Union, and acts of the Eurasian Economic Union in connection with the accession of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The results of the signing of trade agreements between the EAEU and third countries and further steps in this direction were discussed.
The meeting took note of the annual report of the Eurasian Economic Commission on the state of competition in cross-border markets and the measures taken to prevent violations of the general rules of competition.
It was decided to hold the next meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on October 1, 2019 in Yerevan.