Congratulatory telegrams

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's congratulatory message on Teacher's Day


Dear teachers,

Congratulations to all of you and all of us on the Teacher's Day. This year, we mark your professional day with the recorded reality of the new state approach towards the teacher's work.

The new system of voluntary certification of teachers, the reforms of the qualification category system prove that the Governmet acknowledges the pivotal nature of the teacher's work not only with congratulatory messages, but also with concrete measures.

If a state wants to be accomplished, it should first accomplish the school system and empower the teacher, who is the pillar of the school, and we are doing just that. As I said at one of the recent Cabinet meetings, the teacher’s job should become one of the highest paid, at least in the public system. And a teacher should be not only a high salary earner, but also a highly qualified one.

The new system provides that opportunity, but this is only the beginning. This teacher’s salary increase system, in which the teacher himself makes the decisions, should work continuously and constantly in five-year cycles, and from the second cycle, the teacher's salary provided by the rate and category should reach the salary level of a minister.

And we are not doing this for you, we are doing this for the state, for the future, because by and large you and your work decide how many scientists will leave the school, how many doctors, how many detectives, how many soldiers, how many builders, how many artist and what kind of spiritual and value connection they will have with their profession and their state, the Republic of Armenia․

We must take special care of our teachers in rural areas so that they do not feel detached.

In fact, we have completed the design works in the field of general education. Our plans for voluntary certification, new qualification category system, state standards of preschool education and general education, school construction, reconstruction, major repair, creation of community educational complexes are launched, school upgrading works have kicked off.

I love all of you, I am proud of all of you and I bow to all of you.

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