Congratulatory telegrams

The Prime Minister sends congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of Georgia


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on the occasion of Independence Day.

The congratulatory message states:

"I heartily congratulate you and the fraternal people of Georgia on the occasion of the Independence Day, the national holiday of Georgia.

Since independence, the development of cooperation with friendly Georgia in all fields has been one of the important directions of Armenia's foreign policy. In this regard, the signing of the joint declaration on strategic cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and Georgia this year is of key importance. I believe that as a result of the joint and consistent work of our governments, we will be able to fully use this basis for further deepening and expand the cooperation between our states.

I emphasize the fruitful discussions we had in Yerevan in March of this year on bilateral and regional issues. I am confident that the deepening strategic partnership between Armenia and Georgia, based on our common values and civilizational commonalities, will serve the stability and prosperity of our two states and the region.

I congratulate again on this important day and wish friendly Georgia peace, prosperity and new success."

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