Congratulatory telegrams

Nikol Pashinyan sends congratulatory message to Rishi Sunak


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on the occasion of the public holiday. The message states:

"I heartily congratulate you and the friendly people of the United Kingdom on the occasion of the public holiday, the birthday of King Charles III. I wish the coming years to be marked by peace, prosperity and continued success for the United Kingdom and the friendly British people.

I am happy to note that the relations between our two countries have developed dynamically in recent years, anchored on the fundamental principles of democracy, rule of law and protection of human rights.

In this context, I attach particular importance to the support of the United Kingdom to the large-scale democratic reforms underway in Armenia.

The Armenian government is committed to deepening bilateral cooperation in line with the spirit of the Armenia-United Kingdom strategic dialogue for the benefit of our countries and friendly peoples.

Taking this opportunity, I wish you good health and prosperity and well-being to the friendly people of the United Kingdom."

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