Congratulatory telegrams

The Prime Minister sends congratulatory message on the occasion of the German Unity Day


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz, on the occasion of the national holiday, Unity Day. The congratulatory message says,

"Your Excellency,

I warmly congratulate you and the friendly people of Germany on the occasion of the national holiday, Unity Day.

Germany is one of Armenia's reliable and stable partners. I note with satisfaction that the relations between our countries are dynamically developing in different directions: political, economic, energy, cultural, educational, inter-parliamentary and decentralized cooperation.

The current year between Armenia and Germany was also distinguished by high-level mutual visits and active contacts.

We appreciate the high-level political dialogue between our states and value Germany's efforts in the process of establishing peace and stability in our region, based on the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and the inviolability of internationally recognized borders.

I fully hope that with joint efforts we will register new success within the framework of bilateral and multilateral cooperation for the benefit of our peoples."

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