Domestic visits

Prime Minister Pashinyan visits Voskepar, Baghanis and Kirants

25.05.2024 - 25.05.2024

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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited Tavush region. The Prime Minister first visited the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Voskepar, after which the officials presented the process of deployment of the border guards of the National Security Service of the following the border demarcation.

Next, Nikol Pashinyan visited the National Security Service's Border Guard Station located in the Baghanis area, got acquainted with the service and the conditions in the station. It was noted that the station was located in a temporary structure, and a new building for it is planned to be built in the near future.

Then the Prime Minister visited the new school under construction in Kirants, got acquainted with the progress of the construction works, and then talked with the residents.

Nikol Pashinyan also met the residents of Baghanis and Voskepar, discussed the border demarcation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, answered the questions raised regarding infrastructure, possible problems and their solutions. The Prime Minister noted that the government will address all the problems and necessary solutions will be offered.

Nikol Pashinyan referred to the government's plan to allocate 16 million AMD to build individual residential houses in border settlements. According to the Prime Minister, as a result of discussions, a decision was made that the residents of Baghanis, Voskepar, Kirants, Berkaber villages, who will become beneficiaries of the 16 million AMD program, will be allocated another 5 million AMD, including those already using the program. The Prime Minister hoped that as a result of the steps taken by the government, life in those villages will develop, people will build new houses.

According to Nikol Pashinyan, what happened is a great success, and one of the government's goals is to create security guarantees through border demarcation. The Prime Minister noted that everything will be done to continue the process.

Nikol Pashinyan also got acquainted with the progress of the construction works of the new road of Kirants road and the major repair of the existing Kirants-Acharkut road. The Prime Minister emphasized quality and timely implementation and gave instructions to those in-charge.


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