Domestic visits

On the second day of the visit to Syunik region, the Prime Minister visited a number of settlements and got acquainted with the progress of the implemented projects

17.06.2024 - 17.06.2024

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On the second day of his working visit to Syunik region, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan continued to familiarize himself with the ongoing and implemented works in various settlements under subsidy and capital programs.

The Head of the Government was first presented with the repair works of the 19.5 km section of the Tatev - Aghvani interstate road. The cost of the project is 3.375 billion AMD. The funds were provided from the state budget. Prime Minister Pashinyan noted that the large-scale road construction works being carried out in Syunik make it possible to already talk about the creation of a new road network and the expected result.

Next, the Prime Minister made an unplanned stop in Shinuhayr, where, in a meeting with the residents, he discussed the border demarcation process with Azerbaijan and emphasized the importance of legitimacy in guaranteeing security.

Nikol Pashinyan visited the house-museum of famous writer, լiterary scholar Aksel Bakunts in Goris, got acquainted with the exhibits there and the activities of the house-museum.

As part of the road construction projects, the Prime Minister was also presented with the reconstruction works of the 4 km section of the Goris - border of the Republic of Armenia interstate road. The cost of the project is 778 million AMD, which was provided by the government.

The Prime Minister's next stop was in Khndzoresk, where Nikol Pashinyan, in a meeting with the residents, referred to the border demarcation process and answered various questions related to it, as well as education and agriculture.

Nikol Pashinyan also visited the Border Guard station of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia located in Khndzoresk, where he got acquainted with the living conditions created for the officers' families.

The Prime Minister was present at the opening ceremony of the park and playground in the Kornidzor settlement of Tegh community. The government allocated 39.9 million AMD for the implementation of the project. Here, Prime Minister Pashinyan also paid tribute to the memory of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the motherland.

The Prime Minister visited the intensive garden, vodka and vinegar production factory of "AND" company in Ishkhanasar settlement. The company acquired 204 million AMD worth of agricultural machinery and equipment for the agri-food sector with the government's support programs for loan subsidy and leasing. As a result, an intensive apple orchard with a total area of 7 ha was created, while the equipment contributes to quality production.

In Sisian, Nikol Pashinyan also visited the nursery of the Forest Committee, where the existing saplings and the works carried out in the direction of forest restoration were presented.

Next, in the area adjacent to the Shaki Waterfall, the Prime Minister had a meeting with the students of Sisian High School, who during the last two years won prizes in the "Hawk" UAV competition held within the framework of the "Armath Airborne" Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) educational program. The Prime Minister got acquainted with the achievements of the students in the creation of UAVs, talked with them about various topics and answered questions related to education and youth issues.

The "Armath Airborne" program is a development direction of the "Armath" engineering laboratories project, which is being implemented by the Union of Advanced Technologies Enterprises. In the workshops, young people get theoretical knowledge of the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles, learn the features of their design and manufacture, software, technical maintenance and management.



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