Interviews and press conferences

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gives press conference


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On August 31, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's press conference was held at Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert complex.

Before answering the questions of media representatives, the Prime Minister gave an opening speech.

"Dear representatives of mass media,
Dear people,

In recent years, profound changes in the perception of the state and statehood are taking place in the Republic of Armenia. These changes are based on the concepts of "Motherland is the state" and "Real Armenia", which are getting more and more widespread perception among the public. According to these concepts, the Republic of Armenia is not a tool for becoming any bigger country, but exclusively for ensuring the well-being of its own citizens, with the understanding that security, freedom, and justice are an integral part of well-being. The way to ensure a higher level of well-being, as well as security, freedom and justice, which are an integral part of it, is the continuous development of state institutions, and work as a universal thing to be done.

I am happy to note that in July 2024 there are around 178 thousand more workers in the Republic of Armenia compared to July 2018. During this period, the number of employees increased from 572 thousand to 750 thousand. The average salary increased by about 126 thousand drams and became 307 thousand drams from 181 thousand drams in 2018. This is one of the most important expressions of the fact that since the People's, non-violent, velvet revolution of 2018, the economy of the Republic of Armenia has been developing steadily, creating institutional preconditions for strengthening the welfare of the sovereign state and its citizens.

However, I must emphasize that the key prerequisite for obtaining a greater result with the same effort is a higher level of educational qualification, and the development of the institutional system for ensuring this is also in the focus of the Government's attention.

All this becomes complete by the balancing and balanced foreign policy and peace agenda, to which the Government of the Republic of Armenia is unwaveringly committed.

The most effective implementation of these agendas will be the focus of the Government's activities in the upcoming period, with the understanding that the preservation and development of the identity of the state and the people, as well as the creation of institutional conditions for ensuring the happiness of citizens, are absolute goals.

Now, dear journalists, I will gladly answer all your questions."

Next, Nikol Pashinyan answered many questions of media representatives.



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