On November 16, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan answered the questions asked by more than a dozen media representatives in an online press conference aired and streamed live on the Internet. Below is the full transcript of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s press conference. Spokesperson for the Prime Minister Mane Gevorgyan – Good afternoon, dear colleagues. We applied to 12 media outlets and asked them to send us one question each. I am now going to ask the Prime Minister to...
Petros Ghazaryan - Good evening, Mr. Prime Minister. Thank you for accepting the invitation. Mr. Prime Minister, processes will obviously follow the signing of the agreement. It is just a document about peacekeepers; there will be serious processes in the future not only in political terms, but also in terms of the inherent potential; we have faced few processes which had to do with the future generations and the state. In the political field, in fact, the opposition is isolated from...
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gave an interview to the German ARD TV channel. Below is the transcript of the interview. ARD: Mr. Pashinyan, thank you very much for taking the time to do the interview. When you with the democratic protest movement brought about the peaceful transfer of power in 2018, did you think it possible that two years later a war would break out? Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan - In fact, as I was still a member of parliament, I do not remember whether it was...
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has given an interview to The Jerusalem Post. Below is the full transcript of the interview. The Jerusalem Post - Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister, for agreeing to give an interview. The fighting has been going on for six weeks now. There are hundreds, thousands of casualties on both sides. How is this going to end? Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan - In fact, Azerbaijan should give up the logic of resolving the Karabakh issue by force, because the problem...
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gave an interview to The Jerusalem Post. An article about the interview was published on the periodical’s website, which is presented below. “Israel has lined up with Turkey, terrorists and Syrian mercenaries in backing Azerbaijan in the current conflict with Armenia, and will eventually suffer the consequence of that alliance,” Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told The Jerusalem Post in an exclusive interview on Monday....
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gave an interview to Al Jazeera TV channel. Below is the English version of the interview. Al Jazeera - Good morning. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is our guest at today’s special edition. Mr. Prime Minister, welcome and thank you for talking to Al Jazeera. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan – Thank you. Al Jazeera - Mr. Prime Minister, could you please brief us on the official relationship between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh....