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“The opening of Slovakia’s embassy in Armenia will upgrade bilateral relations” – PM receives Slovakian Foreign Minister


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Prime Minister NIkol Pashinyan today received Miroslav Lajčák, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

Welcoming Miroslav Lajčák’s visit, the Prime Minister hailed the opening of Slovakia’s embassy in Yerevan on February 24, which will give fresh impetus to bilateral relations. Nikol Pashinyan said Armenia keen to develop cooperation with Slovakia in both bilateral format and on the sidelines of the European Union. The Premier underscored that the European Union is Armenia’s main partner in the sphere of democratic reforms, and Armenia highly appreciates the assistance provided by EU structures and EU-member states.

Prime Minister Pashinyan thanked Slovakia for its balanced position on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement process. Taking the opportunity, Nikol Pashinyan conveyed warm greetings to his Slovakian counterpart Peter Pellegrini.

Miroslav Lajčák noted that Armenia is an important partner for Slovakia, and the opening of Slovakia’s embassy in Armenia may create new opportunities for the furtherance of bilateral relations. The Foreign Minister of Slovakia welcomed Armenia’s ambitious reform agenda, noting that his country is ready to share its experience in the field of democracy reforms. He noted that as an EU-member state, Slovakia is prepared to assist Armenia with the implementation of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, as well as with the visa liberalization process.

As for the development of economic relations, Mr. Lajčák made a point of joint efforts to promote investment and tourism. He praised the current pace of cooperation on international platforms.

With reference to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Miroslav Lajčák emphasized that his country fully supports the OSCE Minsk Group-brokered peace process.

Appreciating Slovakia’s reform experience, Prime Minister Pashinyan noted that Armenia is interested in sharing experiences with partner nations. Nikol Pashinyan and Miroslav Lajčák exchanged views on cooperation in the framework of the Eastern Partnership. The latest developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement process were touched upon during the meeting.


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