Press releases
Effective use of EAEU energy potential will contribute to the strengthening of energy security of the Member States – Prime Minister
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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is in Kyrgyzstan on a working visit.
PM Pashinyan participated in the expanded-format session of the EAEU Intergovernmental Council.
Prior to the session, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov hosted the Prime Ministers of the EAEU Member States, welcoming them in Cholpon Ata and wishing an effective session of the EAEU Intergovernmental Council.
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan delivered a speech at the expanded-format meeting, where he particularly said,
''Distinguished Heads of Government,
Dear participants of the meeting,
I would like to start my speech with words of gratitude addressed to Ulukbek Maripov for the traditional warm reception and hospitality in this lovely corner of Kyrgyzstan.
I heartily welcome Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Nigmatovich, as well as the authorized representative of the Government of Cuba.
Yesterday, during the narrow-format session, we exchanged views on the conceptual issues of today's agenda. Now I would like to dwell on some aspects of the issues we discussed that are of significant importance for our countries.
I would like to start from the issue of developing common principles for regulating the transport sphere. We think that the roadmap for the systematic implementation of transport policy by the Member States for the period of 2021-2023 is a balanced program for the development of the sphere. The document envisages comprehensive development of the Eurasian transport corridors, and consistent work for the harmonization of the legislation of our countries in this sphere.
Last year we ascertained the demand for transport and logistics cooperation inside the EAEU. During the pandemic, "green corridors" were formed within the Union for key products. Mostly due to these measures we managed to prevent food shortages and interruptions in trade in the Union.
I would also like to mention the relevance of the implementation of the "Roadmap for the Formation of a Common Market for Organic Agricultural Products". It is obvious that the measures envisaged by this document will contribute to the sustainable development of the Union's agro-industrial complex and agrarian market.
The next issue I would like to dwell on is the increase of the competitiveness of the products produced in the EAEU in the domestic and foreign markets. In the context of the measures taken to achieve this goal, I would like to emphasize the importance of establishing the system of joint export insurance assistance. We support the establishment of the Eurasian Company, which will give an opportunity to increase insurance assistance volumes for trade inside the Union and exports to third countries by creating additional insurance capacity.
Dear colleagues,
We are convinced that one of the key components of the effective development of our Union is the consistent, transparent work aimed at creating a normative framework for the common gas, oil and oil products markets. The efficient use of the Union's energy potential can be a response to many challenges, contributing to the strengthening of energy security and the sustainable development of our countries' economies.
The Republic of Armenia expresses its satisfaction with the significant work done by the Commission and the Authorized Bodies of the Member States in the direction of developing common markets for gas, oil and oil products of the Union, which is reflected in the reports.
This year, the Member States together with the Commission started discussing an international agreement on the development of a common gas market of the Union. We expect continuous constructive work on the basis of mutual understanding, with the consideration of the interests of all the Member States of the Union.
I would also like to note with satisfaction that we have managed to agree on the concept of establishment of a common market for oil and oil products, based on the five principles approved by all the Member States of the Union.
I would also like to note with satisfaction that we have managed to agree on the concept of establishment of a common market for oil and oil products, based on the five principles approved by all the Member States of the Union.
Lastly, I would like to refer to ecology and climate issues. This is a direction that requires additional efforts and broad spectrum of cooperation. We believe that a major multi-layered dialogue is needed within our Union, which will help reduce the negative factors affecting climate change while ensuring conditions for economic growth and development. We support the idea of setting up a high-level working group on harmonization of the mechanisms for regulating greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental payment system for promoting environmental activities in the EAEU.
I once again welcome all the participants of the meeting and wish all of us fruitful work.
Thanks for attention''.
During the session, the Prime Ministers of the EAEU member states touched upon a number of issues included in the agenda.
In particular, the list of exceptions and restrictions subject to elimination in 2021-2022, the program of measures of the main directions and stages of the implementation of the roadmap of the systematic transport policy of the EAEU Member States for the period of 2021-2023, the program of measures for the development of the common market of organic agricultural products within the EAEU, as well as the program of priority measures for the digitalization of railway cargo transportation for the development of trade and economic cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union, the EAEU Member States and China were discussed.
Reference was made to the registration and distribution of the import duties of 2020 between the budgets of the EAEU Member States, opportunities for integration cooperation in the development of the transit potential of the EAEU railway transport. It was decided to form a high-level working group on digital transformation in the Union.
Reports on the process of development of the common markets for gas, oil and oil products in the EAEU, the annual report of the Eurasian Economic Commission on the monitoring of the assessment of the regulatory impact of draft decisions of the Commission in 2020 were presented.
Changes were made in the order of official publication of EAEU international treaties, international agreements signed between the EAEU and third countries, integration unions, international organizations, the decisions of EAEU bodies and in the April 30, 2019 decision of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council.
It was decided to hold the next session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in October this year in Yerevan.
A number of documents were signed based on the results of the meetings of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in narrow and expanded formats.