Press releases

The Prime Minister visits various communities of Armavir region, attends the opening ceremony of Weightlifting Sports School after Simon Martirosyan in Jararat

11.05.2024 - 11.05.2024

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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited Armavir region. The Prime Minister stopped at the schools of the settlements in the gymnasiums of which various problems and defects had been recorded, as well as visited other settlements and got acquainted with the construction of new facilities.

During the previous visit, Nikol Pashinyan had instructed the officials to eliminate the defects and carry out the works in accordance with the established standards.

The first stop of the Prime Minister was at the primary school No. 7 named after "Yervand Otyan" in Etchmiadzin, where a new gymnasium and a ceremony hall were built. The total cost of the project launched on April 27, 2022 is 296.4 million AMD.

The Head of the Government visited the gymnasium of the secondary school named after "Zhora Hakobyan" of Artimet settlement of Araks community. The total cost of the project launched on April 25, 2022 is around 203 million AMD.

In Jararat, Prime Minister Pashinyan attended the opening ceremony of the "Simon Martirosyan" weightlifting sports school. The sports school has 8 main and 5 secondary platforms. The total cost of the project launched in 2021 was 581.6 million AMD.

The Prime Minister congratulated those present on the occasion of the opening of the newly built weightlifting school and hoped that the government will have to build new sports schools named after our Olympic champions. "We will build schools one way or another, the question is whose name it will bear. Here is the point, because I want to reaffirm the government's commitment that we will build specialized sports schools named after all Olympic champions. This year is an Olympic year, and I hope that we will already be more specific about where and named after whom we will build a sports school. Regardless of that, the construction of sports schools, sports centers, and gymnasiums has been and continues to be a priority for the government. I want to note that this is a very important part of Armenia's development vision."

According to Nikol Pashinyan, the construction of sports schools promotes a healthy lifestyle among children as well as adults. The Prime Minister highlighted the fact that these people in society become admirable heroes for children, whom they strive to be like. "We want our athletes, who gave us all the honor of raising the Armenian flag and performing the Armenian anthem, to feel appreciated. We want our athletes to feel valued every day, not just at the peak of their athletic lives, but beyond. And those who come after them should also have that perspective in front of their eyes, it's not like a short-term, emotional attitude is shown only at the moment of victory, after which people are forgotten. This is about it. And, of course, this is a tribute to the Jrarat community, to all of you, because a champion is shaped to become a champion in his environment, the people around him stood by him and supported him," said the Head of the Government.

According to the Prime Minister, this is the government's way of thanking those athletes for the path they have passed. "And yes, there shouldn't be anything unusual that such schools are being built in the name of a young man. And I would very much like that we were constantly burdened with the task of appreciating people's merits. And I congratulate us that we know how to appreciate, we know how to encourage merit, and we also know how to make sure that a person's work does not end immediately after the end of the live broadcast, that a person's work, merit, the merit of a coach, athlete, village, parent, teacher is in place every day, is visible every day and we will try to make the environment perfect."

Nikol Pashinyan also emphasized that the volume of works is large and sometimes they are not properly implemented. "But what's important is that we don't get discouraged and continue to face problems in construction and other fields and our resolve doesn't waver. We will go step by step, consistently on the way to solve all the problems. And today's event is about that. I want to thank Simon Martirosyan, the coaches, all residents of Jrarat for giving us this day."

The next stop of the Prime Minister was at the newly built modular kindergarten in Arevik village of Metsamor community, where he got acquainted with the implemented works and the conditions created for the children. The kindergarten is designed for 144 children. The total cost of the project launched on June 29, 2021 is around 500 million AMD.

Nikol Pashinyan also visited the gymnasium of secondary school named after Edvard Dashtoyan of Janfida settlement of Metsamor community, for the construction of which 332 million AMD was allocated, the gymnasium of secondary school number 6 named after Movses Silikyan of Armavir community, the construction work of which was estimated at 311 million AMD, the gymnasium of the secondary school named after "Mekhak Mekhakyan" of Aragats settlement, for the construction of which 381.5 million drams were allocated, as well as in the gymnasium of the secondary school of Shahumyan settlement, the construction works of which were estimated at 154.5 million AMD. The Prime Minister visited the gymnasiums and familiarized himself with the work of eliminating previously recorded deficiencies.

The Prime Minister also made unscheduled stops in Gay and Bambakashat settlements to talk with the residents.

As part of the visit, Nikol Pashinyan laid flowers at the monuments dedicated to the memory of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the motherland.


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