Press releases

The Government will provide state housing support to families forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh


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A regular Cabinet meeting took place today, chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The Government approved the state support program for providing housing to families forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh and the lists of individual settlements in the Republic of Armenia. As noted by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Narek Mkrtchyan, the program has three components. "The first is the acquisition of an apartment or an individual residential house through the issuance of a certificate. The second is the issuance of a certificate for the construction of an individual residential house, and the third is assistance in paying off the mortgage loan. Certificates have different values depending on the number of family members and location”, the Minister said, clarifying that the assistance will be in the amount of 2-5 million AMD.

The Prime Minister noted that the government has abandoned the logic of leveling and the logic of adopting one formula and one principle. Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Khachatryan also noted. "We estimated that up to 25,000 families can become beneficiaries of this program, and if we think with a simple calculation that it can be the average amount of compensation, then 500 billion AMD can be the cost of building or purchasing these houses or apartments, in addition to the interest costs that we will pay throughout the period to the financial institutions that will implement this program. According to the most modest calculations, the cost exceeds 700-800 billion AMD."

The Government adopted a decision conditioned by allocating financial support to healthcare system organizations through reimbursement of expenditures, as well as providing more efficient organization of free medical care and service guaranteed by the state. As mentioned by the Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan, the decision proposes to redistribute 3 billion AMD and increase the financing of health services.

“With these additions, we continue our commitment to increasing access to medical care for our population year after year. Let me present some data on how the volumes of both cases of servicing and financing have increased in recent years. In terms of adding just two programs in 2018 for persons included in social welfare and special groups and in terms of complex examinations, instead of 28 thousand 973 cases, in 2023 we serviced 46 thousand 401 cases, in 2024 - 84 thousand 374 cases, which is by 55.000 more compared to 2018. This is only the first quarter data. The upward trend will be slightly higher in the second quarter. We will publish the six-month data soon. In general, the implementation of all healthcare programs in the first quarter of 2018 was only 14 billion AMD, in 2023 - 24.7 billion drams, in 2024 - 30 billion drams," the minister said.

At today's Cabinet meeting, Nikol Pashinyan once again referred to the payment of taxes and emphasized its importance. "Tax is not something that a person takes out of his pocket and puts in someone else's pocket, but a person takes out of one pocket and puts it in another pocket. And this is a state perception that we need to deepen. People should not think of being ripped off when paying taxes, a person should understand that by paying taxes, he ensures the well-being and safety of himself, his children and even unborn grandchildren, great-grandchildren, of course, not forgetting the government's obligation to spend the collected money as efficiently as possible."

In that context, the Prime Minister emphasized the implementation of education reforms. "We need to return to education reforms again. What we learn and what we teach our children. We teach knowledge that teaches not to live, instead of living. It teaches not to live and enjoy life, but to suffer. The crux of our educational tradition is that we have to teach children how to suffer, even in situations where there is no reason to suffer, you have to find a reason to suffer. That is the basic goal that we set before ourselves and successfully implement. That's where we have unsurpassed success. But the experience of our political team and the experience of suffering should tell us that we should create a state where suffering is not the ultimate goal. And now we are busy with that. This is what the demarcation is for, it is about that suffering in the Republic of Armenia should not be the overriding goal, living, creating, getting rich and enriching, developing and making developed should be the overriding goal in the Republic of Armenia. And this is what we should make the state ideology. And we are doing this and we will do it, and we will not be stopped on this path, be sure of this."

"Sports Management Center" CJSC will be established by the decision of the government. The unified specialized management center will manage the regional structures being built and to be built in the republic.

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