Press releases

Activity report 2023 of the Office of the High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs presented to the Prime Minister


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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the office of the HighCommissioner for Diaspora Affairs to discuss the latter's 2023 activity report.

High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan presented the measures implemented during the reporting period. It was reported that since June 1, 2023, the office launched the first Center for Repatriation and Integration. The center provides a wide range of individual and group counseling services to repatriates, implements measures aimed at the integration of repatriates. Regarding repatriation and integration issues, 3,617 applications were received and processed, 13 online and offline counseling meetings were organized for 340 repatriates, 413 repatriates participated in free Armenian language, integration and training courses, 81 Syrian Armenians used health services within the framework of the state order.

The Prime Minister inquired about the activities of the Repatriation Center and its effectiveness. Zareh Sinanyan noted that the center provides comprehensive services to repatriates in order to solve various problems, including finding a school and kindergarten for children, job, citizenship, customs issues.

It was noted that the bill "On Repatriation" has been circulated among state administration system bodies and it is ready for submission to the National Assembly. In this regard, Nikol Pashinyan noted that the bill should take into account the practical problems of repatriates and all available information. At the same time, the Prime Minister noted that the Center for Repatriation and Integration is also a good tool for creating an information base.

In order to consolidate the potential of the diaspora, activate the involvement of the diaspora in the homeland and protect Armenian interests, the office organized the National Youth Forum and the Congress of Armenian Lawyers, which were attended by more than 600 young people from 50 countries, 250 Armenian lawyers from 30 countries and 150 speakers from 15 countries. The Prime Minister inquired what practical task was put before the National Youth Forum. In response, it was noted that its purpose is to connect young people with Armenia, the office of the High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs. According to Zareh Sinanyan, by investing for young people, continuity is ensured for all programs. "At the same time, we create long-term relations with young people," said the High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs.
Nikol Pashinyan noted that the main task is to maintain contact with people, to ensure cooperation. Zareh Sinanyan noted that the forum's agenda is being worked out together with the participants.

Current projects of the office were also presented to the Prime Minister. In 2022-2023, 50 Diaspora Armenian specialists worked in 23 structures of the Armenian state administration system within the framework of the "iGorts" program aimed at the involvement of Diaspora Armenian specialists. 72 percent of the participants of the event repatriated, getting permanent jobs in state institutions and the private sector. The participants of the event developed 10 new programs aimed at the development of individual sectors of the Republic of Armenia in the areas of the latest technologies, culture, economy, consumer rights protection, human resources management and other directions.

Referring to the "iGorts" program, Prime Minister Pashinyan inquired about its effectiveness and importance. "Every year we have about 350 applicants for 50 places. Most importantly, we have had an increase in the involvment of qualified professionals. There are ministries that are closely linked with the program, they mostly perceive "iGorts" as an additional resource," said Zareh Sinanyan.

A 13-day camp program, Armenian language courses, patriotism lessons, cultural events, visits, etc. were organized for 600 Diaspora Armenian youth aged 13-18 within the framework of the "Walk to Home" program. The camp program was implemented in Byurakan.

20 young people from 12 countries participated in the "Young Diaspora Ambassador" program in 2022-2023. They carried out about 100 community and repatriation awareness meetings and events, 20 experience sharing programs, 40 media publications and other activities. In 2023-2024, 18 Diaspora Armenian youth from 8 countries of the world are participating in the event. The works performed by them will be summarized in August 2024.

It was also noted that in 2023, the "DiasPro" professional volunteer program was launched for the first time. The first phase of the project is implemented in the fields of health, social, human rights protection, economy and tourism. 40 participants passed the final selection, starting volunteer work.

The process of expanding the Institute of Diaspora Affairs Commissioners was highlighted. Diaspora commissioners have been appointed in Poland, the Netherlands, Italy, Slovakia, Denmark and Germany. Zareh Sinanyan noted that the already appointed commissioners are people with weight in the community who have the desire and ability to represent the state in the community. In this regard, Nikol Pashinyan noted that this creates an opportunity for diaspora communities to have a network to interact with the Government.

The program "Support for the implementation of charitable projects from the Diaspora" was developed, where the Commissioner's office has a guiding role. Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized the effective and targeted direction of the programs in terms of implementing them with subsidy programs in cooperation with the communities and the government. The Prime Minister emphasized the coordination of programs and noted that the Office of the High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs should be a hub in the process between organizations, the government and local self-government bodies.

Studies of diaspora communities continued, visits were made to Armenian communities of 13 countries, during which 178 meetings were held.

It was informed that the "2024-2038 strategy of Armenia-Diaspora cooperation" was developed.

During the consultation, the activities of Armenian schools in Diaspora communities were also discussed. More than 800 schools are said to be operating in total. Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized the importance of providing support to Armenian schools, including the provision of necessary textbooks.

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