Press releases

The Prime Minister attends the opening of a dairy factory in Yerevan


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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended the opening of a modern dairy factory "Yeremyan Projects" company in Yerevan.

The Prime Minister, accompanied by Davit Yeremyan, General Director of "Yeremyan Projects" company, toured the factory, got acquainted with the created conditions and production capacities. According to those in charge, the construction works of the factory started with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Armenian Government, the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) and "Yeremyan Farm" within the framework of a large investment project. It was emphasized that the goal of the cooperation stipulated in the memorandum is to ensure the food security and sustainable economic development of the Republic of Armenia in the field of agro-industry.

It was mentioned that the factory includes 2 hectares of production area: 2,500 square meters of storage area, 1,000 square meters of cold storage, 6,000 square meters of milk production plant, laboratories and R&D center, 150 thousand liters per day of milk processing capacity. The factory will provide an opportunity to multiply the production capacity, introduce new products and export them to international markets.

The Prime Minister congratulated on the opening of the factory and noted that there is always talk about the need to introduce standards in our country, and this investment is an example of introducing a standard because it changes the perception of production standards. According to Nikol Pashinyan, to set a standard means to increase the price of the product, but to increase the price of the product means to increase its quality and to have the belief that where is written dairy product, it really is a dairy product. "Food safety is an issue that we are dealing with, and very often we don't see the causal link between food safety issues and the scale of health issues, but the connection is there and the connection is obvious." said the Prime Minister.

Nikol Pashinyan added that "Yeremyan Projects" company came to the idea of building the factory during the coronavirus pandemic crisis and emphasized that in a changing world it is important to be able to adapt to changes that, in fact, do not depend on human will, and a viable approach is to adapt to the process and to adapt not with the logic of survival, but using the existing dynamics for reaching a new level of development. The Prime Minister also noted that we are talking about a specific company, but it is the strategy adopted by the government and it is important that it has manifestations not only at the political level, but also at the economic and other levels.


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