Press releases

The Prime Minister chairs discussion on the planned reforms in the field of protection of consumers' interests


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A consultation was held in the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during which the existing problems and possible solutions in the field of consumer protection were discussed.

Gegham Gevorgyan, the Chairman of the Competition Protection Commission, referred to the fulfillment of obligations undertaken in the field of consumer rights protection within the framework of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement with the EU and the legal reforms being implemented in that context. In particular, they relate to the characteristics of products and services, including quantity and quality compliance, online shopping, food safety, control mechanisms and their improvement, etc. It is expected that the legislative changes will contribute to a clear, unified understanding of consumer rights, policy development, implementation of control mechanisms, protection of group and individual interests, and raising awareness of consumer rights.

It was noted that legislative changes are planned to be implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and other concerned departments.

Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized the importance of taking consistent steps in the direction of consumer rights protection and the implementation of planned legislative changes within the specified period.

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