Press releases

PM Pashinyan chairs discussion on macro-economic and fiscal framework of the MTEP 2025-2027


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A consultation was held under the leadership of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during which the macroeconomic and fiscal framework of the 2025-2027 Medium-Term Expenditure (MTEF) was discussed.

Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan presented the analysis carried out based on the previous discussions, which included the main principles underlying the MTEF proposal, the assessment of current and capital expenditure limits of state departments, the expenditure part of the fiscal framework, etc.

An exchange of ideas was held on the presented medium-term expenditure framework, observations were presented on individual points of the framework.

Nikol Pashinyan instructed the heads of departments to continue work on finalizing and clarifying the targets of the medium-term expenditure framework for 2025-2027.

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