Press releases

PM Pashinyan chairs discussion on main provisions of the bill "On Higher Education and Science"


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A consultation was held under the leadership of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during which the main provisions of the bill "On Higher Education and Science" were discussed.

Chairman of the Committee of Higher Education and Science, Sargis Hayotsyan, presented the main points of the bill, noting that new standards of quality control, licensing and accreditation will be established, the vertical model of university management will be replaced by a horizontal model, where in practice several management and regulation links will be independent, a separate article of the law will define the scope of regulations related to the Academic City, etc. Referring to the scientific organizations and the National Academy of Sciences, it was noted that with the proposed new regulations, the National Academy of Sciences will be a fund managed by the principle of autonomy.

A discussion was held on the new conditions of licensing, accreditation of educational programs of universities, financing mechanisms of universities, various recommendations were presented.

Within the scope of the financing of state universities under the state program of education development, the Prime Minister noted that one of the most important principles is that students with certain progress should not be excluded from the university due to financial problems. "Our political principle is that social discrimination should be excluded in education," added Nikol Pashinyan. The Prime Minister thanked for the effective discussion and instructed to include the submitted recommendations in the bill, after which it will be submitted for public discussion.


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