Press releases

The government makes changes in the training of teachers. a number of provisions aimed at professional development have been specified


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A regular Cabinet meeting took place today, chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The government made additions and changes to the training procedure for teachers subject to regular certification of the educational institution that implements basic general education programs. Presenting the issue, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan considered the compulsory training system of teachers to be an important reform. Accordingly, the system of training all teachers with one unified program was replaced by the system of training according to the assessed need. "With the new approach, each teacher first of all assesses his own professional development needs, and then the school carries out this assessment. Based on the assessed need, it is decided which direction and what level of training the given teacher needs, which makes teacher training more targeted and effective", said the minister, adding that this year the system was used for the first time.

Due to the need to expand the slaughterhouse network, to improve the quality and safety indicators of the produced products by increasing the level of technological equipment of the businesses operating in the agri-food sector, to increase their competitiveness and to diversify the export markets of agri-food products, the Government adopted a decision. The decision proposes, in particular, to make appropriate changes and additions to the leasing support program for agri-food sector equipment, according to which, 12 percent of the leasing provided in AMD and 7 percent of the leasing provided in foreign currency for the purpose of purchasing mobile or mobile modular slaughterhouses are subsidized from September 1, 2024 to December 31 2025, if the purchased mobile or mobile modular slaughterhouses will be operated in the areas of the settlements included in the list provided by the governors of the Republic of Armenia. 80% of the 20% down payment set for the purchase of mobile and mobile modular slaughterhouses is subsidized, for which an appropriate procedure is defined.

The government adopted a decision on the creation of historical and cultural reserves "Yereruyk", "Old Khndzoresk", "Berdkunk Castle" and "Khachkars of Noratus", and their branches. As a result, the entire area of monuments will be provided with the proper permanent protection in the reserves, the possibility of full professional study and popularization, the inclusion of the territory of the reserves in tourist routes. According to the substantiation, currently, the areas of the mentioned monuments lack the necessary infrastructure and many people do not visit these places. The creation of reserves will create an opportunity to carry out educational, scientific and cultural activities. As a result, infrastructure will be created, the territory will be improved, a ticket office will be installed, a permanent guard will work, and lighting will be carried out. As a result of the creation of reserves, the population of the community will be able to sell their souvenir products and receive additional income.


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