Press releases

The Prime Minister, together with his lady, visits the 11th Festival of Rural Life and Traditions


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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan with his wife Anna Hakobyan visited the 11th Festival of Rural Life and Traditions, which is being held this year at the Green Learning Center of Dzoraghbyur. The Head of the Government toured the booths, familiarized himself with the presented products, inquired with the programs of the participating companies, and the existing problems.

The purpose of the festival is to contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture and rural communities in Armenia. It is a unique platform for farmers, producers, processors, buyers, various organizations and potential investors to share experiences, collaborate and find new markets. More than 200 organic and natural agricultural producers, farmer groups, agricultural entrepreneurs and women's groups from all regions of Armenia and other countries are participating in this year's Harvest Festival. The festival of rural life and traditions also showcased handicrafts and other items made by artisans from remote regions. Prizes and gifts will be awarded in the Best Farmer/Women's Group, Best Youth Group and Best Entrepreneur categories.

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