Press releases

Prime Minister Pashinyan meets with the General Secretary of the CoE Alain Berset


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had a meeting with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Alain Berset.

The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of cooperation with the Council of Europe in the implementation of democratic reforms in our country. Nikol Pashinyan emphasized that the development of democracy is of strategic importance for the Armenian Government and our country will consistently continue to take steps in that direction.

Alain Berset emphasized the readiness of the Council of Europe to expand cooperation with Armenia for the effective implementation of institutional reforms.

The interlocutors discussed issues related to further cooperation and projects.

Prime Minister Pashinyan referred to the discussions on the peace treaty with Azerbaijan. Emphasizing the commitment of the Armenian Government to the peace agenda, the Prime Minister emphasized once again that Armenia is ready to sign the treaty based on the agreed articles and continue further discussions.

Speaking about the assertion of the Azerbaijani side that no agreement can contradict the Constitution, the Prime Minister noted that according to Article 5, Clause 3 of the current Constitution of Armenia, international agreements ratified by the Republic of Armenia have a superior force over the legislation of Armenia. In other words, the ratified international agreement is higher than the law of the Republic of Armenia.

At the same time, Nikol Pashinyan noted that there are territorial claims against Armenia in the Constitution of Azerbaijan, but the Armenian side does not make it a negotiation topic, because there is a provision in the agreed text of the peace treaty, according to which none of the parties can refer to its domestic legislation as justification for not implementing the provisions of the given international agreement.

The interlocutors also exchanged ideas on other issues of mutual interest.

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