Press releases

The statements that Armenia agreed that third countries should ensure the security of communications in its territory are a distortion of reality. Prime Minister


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The regular session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council was held in Yerevan under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. First, the session was held in a narrow-format, followed by the extended-format. In addition to the heads of governments of EAEU countries, the First Vice President of Iran Mohammad Reza Aref and the Head of the Government of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov also participated in the session.

Prime Minister Pashinyan made a speech at the extended session, in which he specifically stated:

"First of all, I would like to thank the First Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Reza Aref, for participating in today's session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council.

The involvement of the Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperation with EAEU undoubtedly expands the possibilities of economic interaction and enjoys our full support.

On behalf of the members of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, let me also welcome the Head of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Abdulla Aripov.

Today, it is also planned to sign the program of joint activities between the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024-2026, which will contribute to the expansion of trade and the development of economic cooperation.

I would also like to thank the Cuban delegation.

Dear colleagues,

The Armenian side attaches primary importance to negotiations on concluding free trade agreements with third countries committed to mutually beneficial cooperation.

In order to optimize the interaction on the external contour as much as possible, it is necessary:

- carry out an additional analysis of existing trade agreements with third countries in order to identify their shortcomings and determine directions for improvement.

- Carefully consider the possibility of introducing new provisions in order to increase trade volumes.

- Establish clear criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of cooperation, such as the level of trade, investment flows and infrastructure development.

Regular monitoring and evaluation of cooperation results will contribute to timely adjustment of strategies and agreements, ensuring reliable and sustainable development of trade relations.

Dear colleagues,

I must mention that the unsolved issue of creating a single energy market within the framework of the EAEU significantly slows down the growth rates of our countries' economies, which could be higher than now.

I would also like to mention the relevance of implementing an effective transport and logistics policy for Armenia.

From the point of view of reducing cargo delivery time, searching for new alternative transport connections between Asia and Europe, North and South, I would like to once again draw attention to the "Crossroads of Peace" project developed by the Republic of Armenia.

The goal of the project is to create the most favorable conditions for the development of trade and economic relations between all interested states, as well as to significantly increase the logistics potential of the region, based on the principles of full respect for the sovereignty and jurisdiction of countries, equality and reciprocity.

The Republic of Armenia is ready to fully ensure the safety of traffic of goods, vehicles and people through its territory. By the way, all the statements that Armenia has allegedly agreed somewhere, in some document, that third countries should ensure the security of communications in its territory, are simply distortions of reality. I would like to note that the same applies to some comments that Armenia has somehow, at some point, agreed to limit its sovereignty in the matter of regional communications. Such a thing has never happened, and this is also an obvious distortion of reality. Armenia's obligation is clear: to guarantee the safety of cargo, vehicles and people on its territory, and we guarantee it.

Dear participants of the session,

You can get more detailed information about the "Crossroads of Peace" project from the brochures of the same name, which are available to the participants of the event.

Thank you for your attention."

Then the participants of the session signed the minutes of the adopted decisions. The decisions related to tax and customs administrations, integration mechanisms, interaction with third countries and other issues.


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