Press releases
The Prime Minister chairs discussion on the implementation process of the 2023-2026 Development Strategy for the Healthcare System of Armenia
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A meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, during which the implementation process of the 2023-2026 Development Strategy for the Healthcare System of Armenia was discussed.
Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan reported on the results of the measures stemming from the strategy, as well as on various programs, which generally affected the implementation of the strategy.
Details were presented on the work carried out in the two main areas of the strategy: health and healthcare system.
Referring to maternal and child health, the program aimed at improving reproductive health, reducing perinatal losses, and improving fertility due to health factors was emphasized. Thus, in 2024, the following measures were implemented in this direction: pediatric and neonatal screening programs were expanded in two additional directions, as a result of one of which 49 cases of lesions incompatible with life or causing profound disability in the neonatal period were identified, mandatory examinations during the monitoring of pregnant women were expanded, which contribute to maintaining health during pregnancy and successful births. It was noted that all these measures helped to reduce the number of maternal mortality.
The standards for the levels of maternity hospitals, which relate to professional equipment, services, have been reviewed. The pricing policy of maternity hospitals with less than 150 births has been reviewed, as a result of which the price indexation of border maternity hospitals has been implemented by 50 percent, which contributes to the provision of proper services. It was emphasized that within the framework of the infertility overcoming program, 539 children were born in 2024, and the programs for the subsequent expansion of reproductive assistive technologies will continue.
During the reporting period, a new perinatal service and a new center for reproductive assistive technologies were established at the St. Grigor Lusavorich Medical Center, a new rehabilitation center for children was opened in Meghri, and the pediatric outpatient mobile palliative care service was added. An information/consultation internet platform on services provided in the maternal and child sector, care for pregnant women, children, and the most common diseases and conditions was created․
In terms of non-communicable diseases, the "Awareness Program for Reducing and Preventing Health Harm from Alcohol Abuse, Tobacco Products and Their Substitutes" was implemented. Awareness campaigns implemented through online platforms had 3 million views. Screening programs were implemented within the framework of measures to combat malignant neoplasms, as well as measures provided for by the program to combat confirmed malignant neoplasms. As a result, in 2023, a 4% decrease in mortality was recorded compared to 2021, and the early detection index improved by 8.9%.
It was reported that organ and tissue transplantation programs are also expanding both in terms of the type of services and surgeries performed, allogeneic transplantation is being implemented, which is a rather complex intervention in terms of technology and professionalism.
As for infectious diseases, it was reported that new vaccinations have been introduced, the demand for vaccinations has increased, and it was noted that the introduction of chickenpox vaccination will start on February 1.
In order to improve the healthcare system, a health services quality improvement strategy and the resulting action plan were introduced, quality assessment criteria were developed and defined, from which 4 most important criteria were selected, a pilot project was implemented within the framework of the introduction of a quality management system.
Reference was made to the implementation of measures aimed at the introduction of comprehensive health insurance.
In connection with the provision of infrastructure, it was noted that large-scale construction and reconstruction works have been carried out. In 2024, a new modular outpatient clinic project was designed, which corresponds to the content of the primary healthcare strategy. Details were also presented on the current construction work of medical centers.
The target results set by the strategy, which were recorded during the reporting period, were presented. Accordingly, compared to 2020, an increase in average life expectancy was recorded in 2023, an improvement in the treatment of infectious diseases was recorded, the full coverage of vaccinations of 1-year-old children in 2024 was 92.9 percent, the infant mortality rate decreased, etc.
A discussion was held around some points of the report, and the participants of the meeting presented their observations and suggestions.
Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized that the same approach should be taken in the field of capital investments as in the case of the construction of schools and roads: the constructed healthcare institutions should comply with quality standards. Nikol Pashinyan also touched upon the scheme of the primary healthcare system and instructed to present solutions to the discussed problematic issues in the near future.