Press releases

Participation of insurance companies in the pilot program for the introduction of insurance system in the agricultural sector will be promoted


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Today, the regular Cabinet meeting took place, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.

The Government adopted a decision to ensure the implementation of the state support program for the implementation of the pilot program for the introduction of an insurance system in the agricultural sector in the current year and to provide support to economic operators and insurance companies in the insurance sector. The decision proposes to fully implement the insurance premium subsidy for the 2025 agricultural year at the expense of Government funds and to provide agricultural economic operators with a subsidy of up to 80 (inclusive) percent of the insurance premium stipulated by the insurance contract. The decision proposes that for the current agricultural year, the state should support not only the issue of subsidizing the insurance premiums of economic operators, but also support insurance companies by providing compensation in case a certain threshold of insurance benefits is exceeded.

The Prime Minister emphasized that everything possible must be done to ensure the accomplishment of the system, which will serve its purpose and is maximally effective. "We need to develop capacities, including those of the ministry and the public administration system. We need to implement digitalization, including filling in the categories of our lands and data about them on the digital platform."

In order to ensure the effective implementation of programs aimed at the development of economic and social infrastructure received from the communities of the Republic of Armenia, the Government adopted a relevant decision. Accordingly, within the framework of the process of providing subsidies, 916,781.6 thousand AMD will be allocated to the regional administrations of the Republic of Armenia to fulfill financial obligations towards the relevant construction organizations. The decision proposes to co-finance 14 programs of 12 communities.

The Government submitted a proposal on the bill “On Amendments and Supplements to the Tax Code of the Republic of Armenia” submitted by the “Armenia” faction of the National Assembly as a legislative initiative. Accordingly, the Government is against the adoption of the submitted bill. The proposal of the Government of the Republic of Armenia will be submitted to the staff of the National Assembly in accordance with the established procedure.

Responding, Nikol Pashinyan noted that the Government has made and adopted a very complex and important decision on real estate taxation. According to the Prime Minister, it is very important to understand what led to that decision. The state budget receives zero income from the real estate tax, the communities receive these taxable amounts. And as a result of collecting real estate taxes, the communities' own revenues have doubled since 2019, and local governments are able to solve more problems in the communities.

Nikol Pashinyan emphasized that these funds generated from property tax are spent by the councils of elders elected by the people, community leaders. "No matter how complicated it is, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how unpopular, we have made this decision and we will stand firm on this decision. Sorry, but there will be no compromise on this issue, because with this issue we are forcing the community to develop, so that the community can live better," Nikol Pashinyan noted.

The Prime Minister also touched upon the holding of auctions and noted that there are a number of problems here and that they are mainly formal. Nikol Pashinyan instructed the relevant bodies to monitor and prohibit the holding of formal auctions. The Prime Minister considered the issue urgent and proposed creating a working group. Nikol Pashinyan also told the regional governors to keep the issue in the spotlight.



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