Statements and messages of the Prime Minister of RA
“The primary objective of cooperation between the Government and the Central Bank is to make available new opportunities for Armenian citizens” - Nikol Pashinyan attends 2018 festive reception held at Central Bank
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Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended a reception held at the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia on the occasion of the holiday season.
The Acting Premier offered his best wishes for the upcoming holidays to the Central Bank staff and banking system workers.
The Acting Prime Minister stated in his congratulatory remarks:
“Dear Chairman of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia,
Dear Central Bank representatives,
Dear banking system representatives,
I am glad to meet you today. I have had no occasion to refer to it, but I think that this is a good opportunity to touch on the following topic today: one of the biggest sensations of the year was the dram’s behavior during the turbulent political events in Armenia. As many still do not understand what and how happened in the Republic of Armenia in the political sense, many people still wonder how come that amid the aforementioned political processes the Armenian currency turned out to be surprisingly viable, which is indeed quite an important indicator.
We know indeed, I know that this was also due to the consistent, diligent and dedicated work of the people present here, and I want to thank you for your effort. During this period, cooperation between the Government of Armenia and the Central Bank was very active, and we often hold discussions, both strategic and tactical. The primary and key objective of our cooperation is the citizen of the Republic of Armenia, namely improving their living standards by making available new opportunities for them.
We have already managed to implement several projects during this time, as a result of which people are supposed to experience specific changes in their daily lives. Several projects are in process of implementation, with others being discussed and finalized. I am convinced that the ongoing discussions will lead us to specific solutions.
The essence of cooperation between the Government and the Central Bank is in fact clearly formulated: the crucial importance of the political situation in the Republic of Armenia is the creation of new opportunities for people, economic entities and businesses.
The main point of the activities carried out by the Central Bank and the banking system, and the primary target of cooperation with the Government is to ensure that the political opportunities that have been stated de jure be made available to people de facto. Therefore, all viable ideas need to get the necessary reasonable financing. It is difficult to overestimate the role of cooperation between the Government, the Central Bank and the banking system as a whole in this matter.
During this period, we held several discussions with the banking system representatives; in fact, we have formulated an agenda and specific issues, the solution of which should lead us to our goals. I am convinced that this logic will be given new impetus and momentum in 2019. In any case, the tasks set for 2018 have been fulfilled, and therefore we can start the new working day of 2019 with a new impulse, new energy, a new agenda and, of course, with new national and popular ambitions.
I hope that the banking system of Armenia will be able to support the implementation of these state-proposed and national aspirations, goals and wishes.
I wish you a happy New Year and a merry Christmas. Thank you for your constructive and fruitful cooperation during this time. I am convinced that this enthusiasm, cooperation and, of course, the results will be doubled and tripled in 2019.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!”