Statements and messages of the Prime Minister of RA
“The authority of each officer should be much greater than that of his epaulettes” - Nikol Pashinyan meets with graduates of military educational institutions
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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended the military educational institutions’ 2018-2019 academic year graduation ceremony at the Defense Ministry headquarters.
The Premier congratulated the students on graduating from military educational institutions and being awarded the rank of officer. Nikol Pashinyan handed out graduation certificates to a group of students.
Addressing the event, the Head of Government stated, in part:
“Today’s event symbolizes the generation change that is taking place in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia. Today we can see people standing in this square who were at the roots of the Artsakh liberation struggle; we can see senior group officers who boast an exemplary record of service and awards symbolizing their impressive path. Today, in this square, there are graduates of military educational institutions being awarded a rank of officer for the first time in their lives.
The service of an officer is perhaps a type of service that calls for the highest possible voluntary traits as it requires unconditional will and readiness to execute orders without discussion. It is an activity that requires great moral, intellectual and psychological strength. And today, your presence on this square proves that you have already made up your mind, you have enough confidence in your strength to bear a burden that might otherwise seem unbearable.
Being an officer, being a commander means sometimes entrusting one’s subordinates with such risky missions as may imply loss of life; being an officer implies great responsibility for such missions. This means that each order’s wording calls for special responsibility, because orders must be reasonable, justified and based on an accurate assessment of the situation; they should serve the goals set before the Armed Forces and the people of the Republic of Armenia.
This means that the authority of each officer should be much greater than that of his epaulettes. The subordinates’ respect is an added value to officer’s epaulettes. You will earn your fellow servicemen’s respect with dedicated service, respect for others, and exceptional respect for your country and your nation. And I wish your commitment to this challenging path could be more effective, I wish it to be the most victorious for our country, our people and each of you.
I wish to highlight and welcome women’s involvement in military affairs, which has been the case for many years. It is an important indicator of serious transformations underway in our society, considering that women have enormous potential, they represent the majority of our population. We must provide the necessary prerequisites, so that our women could serve the Republic of Armenia in a dignified manner and effectively in all spheres of public life.
I understand that not every one of you can achieve such success. Nevertheless, I wish you to go as far as the rank of army general; I wish you could reach high positions by virtue of your merits without mediating your social standing and personal relations.
Dear friends,
Now, let me talk about peace. The Republic of Armenia is a pacifist state and our armed forces are the main guarantors of peace, but I want to emphasize what kind of peace we need.
The Chinese military strategy believes that talented generals win without a war. We need such peace. We need such an army, such a state and society that can make the potential adversaries realize that fighting with us makes no sense, since any war waged against us is doomed to failure as it will lead to the unconditional victory of the Republic of Armenia, its people and its armed forces.
And all of us, irrespective of our uniform, are dedicated to these victories, and each of us, from the National Assembly and to the House of the Government, should serve this noble mission. We all wear the epaulettes of our people, our history, our ancestors, our descendants. Long live those who wear these epaulettes with dignity.
And, therefore,
Long live the Republic of Armenia!
Long live the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia!
Long live the Republic of Artsakh!
Long live the Armenian people!
Glory to our martyrs, glory to our officers and soldiers, glory to the rising generation that will see ever new achievements and new victories! Glory and glorious service to you all! Thank you.”