Congratulatory telegrams

The Prime Minister sends congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of India


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi on the occasion of the Independence Day. The message reads as follows,

"I heartily congratulate you and the friendly people of India on the occasion of Independence Day, the national holiday of the Republic of India.

78 years ago, the people of India confirmed the results of the victory of their national liberation struggle. It was a struggle that inspired various peoples in their non-violent struggle for freedom. The figure of Mahatma Gandhi, who played a significant role in the modern history of India, is a vivid example of the fight against injustice for many nations.

Developing cooperation with India in all fields is one of the important directions of Armenia's foreign policy. I must report with satisfaction that the traditional warm relations and mutual support between our countries and peoples coming from the depths of centuries continue to be strengthened, and interstate ties to expand and deepen.

I am sure that as a result of the consistent work of our two governments, we will be able to advance the bilateral agenda, encompassing new areas of mutual interest.

Taking this opportunity, I wish you good health and success in all your endeavors, and peace and prosperity to the friendly people of India.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurance of my higest consideration."


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