Congratulatory telegrams

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan receives congratulatory messages on the occasion of Independence Day


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan receives congratulatory messages on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia.


The congratulatory message of US President Joe Biden says,

"Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

On behalf of the people of the United States, I send our best wishes to you and the people of Armenia as you celebrate hte 33rd anniversary of your Independence. Bound by deep connections between our people, Armenia and the United States are working together forge a better future-including yb upgrading our relationship to a strategic partnership. This wil advance our cooperation across the board, from strengthening our security and defense partnership, ot accelerating our clean energy and trade diversification initiatives. This strategic partnership will also support Armenia's ongoing efforts to pursue a democratic path through civic action, good governance, rule of law, and anti-corruption measures-values shared by Americans and Armenians alike.

The United States supports Armenia's sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and right to determine its own future. We support your ongoing commitment to achieve a lasting peace across the entire region. And, we look forward ot working with you ot continue forging a future where everyone can live with dignity, security, and respect."


The congratulatory message of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, says,

"Dear Nikol Vovayevich,

Please accept my congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia.

The further development of Russian-Armenian friendly and allied relations, as well as constructive cooperation within the framework of joint integration associations, undoubtedly correspond to the fundamental interests of our peoples.

I wish you health and success, and happiness and well-being to all the citizens of Armenia."


The congratulatory message of the Head of the Russian Government, Mikhail Mishustin, reads as follows,

"Dear Nikol Vovayevich,

On behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation and myself, I congratulate you on the national holiday of the Republic of Armenia, Independence Day.

I am sure that the expansion of bilateral cooperation and multilateral constructive interaction within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union fully corresponds to the long-term interests of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.

I wish you, dear Nikol Vovayevich, good health and well-being, and peace and well-being to all the citizens of Armenia."


The message of the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym Jomart Tokayev, reads as follows,

"Dear Nikol Vovayevich,

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia.

Under your strong leadership, Armenia, implementing important political reforms and socio-economic transformations, has achieved great success in state building, ensuring the well-being of its citizens and strengthening its international reputation.

I am sure that your country will continue the path of sustainable development, realizing the high goals and objectives of building a prosperous state. Following the spirit of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation, I confirm my commitment to the comprehensive strengthening of Kazakh-Armenian relations. I am sure that with joint efforts we will be able to ensure the full development of the potential of multilateral partnership between Kazakhstan and Armenia for the benefit of our countries and peoples.

On this significant day, I wish you, dear Nikol Vovayevich, great success in your responsible state activities, and prosperity and progress to the people of Armenia."


In the message of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, the chairman of Halk Maslahati of the Milli Mejlis of Turkmenistan, reads as follows,

"Dear Nikol Vovayevich,

I heartily congratulate you and all the people of your country on the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia.

I am confident that the relations between Turkmenistan and Armenia based on sincerity, mutual respect and mutual understanding will continue to expand and strengthen.

Taking this pleasant opportunity, I wish you, dear Nikol Vovayevich, good health, happiness and success in your responsible activities."


The congratulatory message of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq, Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, reads as follows,

"On behalf of myself, the government and the people of the Republic of Iraq, I congratulate you, extending best wishes on the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Armenia.

Taking this opportunity to emphasize our friendly and cooperative relations and their importance, I wish them to reach higher levels for the benefit of our two friendly peoples and countries.

I wish you good health and happiness, and welfare and prosperity for the Republic of Armenia."


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