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The Republic of Armenia is a tool to ensure the well-being of its own citizens. the Prime Minister visits the newly built schools with his wife


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Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, together with his wife Anna Hakobyan, toured some newly built schools in the country, familiarized himself with the works and the created conditions.

The Prime Minister's first stop was the "Heratsi" high school in Yerevan. The Government allocated more than 1 billion AMD for the construction works that started in 2019. The high school is designed for 520 students. The school is fully equipped.

The Prime Minister congratulated those present on the occasion of the beginning of the academic year and the opening of the school. In his speech, Nikol Pashinyan emphasized the necessity and importance of perceiving the school as a home, and not its sanctification, which is very common among us. According to Nikol Pashinyan, this school building program implemented by the Government should contribute not to the sanctification of schools and knowledge, but to their humanization, so that they are more accessible to people.

The Prime Minister also highlighted the importance of education and school in the context of teaching children to live well and prosperously. According to him, it is necessary to help children to make living well their task.

The Head of the Government also noted that, in particular, work should be done to reduce the degree of pathos in schools. "One of the key problems of our schools today is the excessive degree of that pathos. Pathos is also a tool under which we often hide our ignorance. This is a very important nuance. And the problem here is that we all need to understand that our ignorance is the most powerful weapon our enemies use against us."

According to the Prime Minister, the school should not be a place to hide issues, the school should be a place to raise issues, answer questions, and discuss them. Nikol Pashinyan noted that as a state, as people, we should answer a simple question: what is the Republic of Armenia for? The Head of the Government emphasized that the Republic of Armenia ensures the well-being of its citizens, with the logic that well-being also includes security, justice, and legality. "This security also includes the right of citizens to be happy, which we, as a state, must ensure. And I, as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, as an official elected by the people of the Republic of Armenia, say that the Republic of Armenia is an instrument for ensuring the well-being of its citizens," said the Prime Minister.

Nikol Pashinyan also added that everyone, especially state institutions, should adjust their position according to this logic, because this is the demand and expectation of the people. According to the Prime Minister, the people do not want to see the Republic of Armenia as their altar, the people want to see the Republic of Armenia as the place and environmen for their prosperous, safe and free living, which the Government is obliged to provide and will provide.

Summarizing the speech, Nikol Pashinyan once again congratulated the attendees
on the occasion of the new school and noted. "This building is just an inanimate object, it's you that have to bring it to life. And I am sure that you will make it live and tou will make it live for the sake of living, for the sake of the future, for the sake of the Republic of Armenia.

Glory to the martyrs
And long live the Republic of Armenia."

Next, the Prime Minister visited Vaghatin secondary school in Syunik region. As a result of the construction project that started in 2020, a modular school was built, for which more than 752 million 800 thousand AMD was allocated. The school is fully equipped except for laboratory equipment. At the moment, 48 students are studying there. The newly built secondary school of Vaghatin is designed for 100 children, it also has a preschool for 20 children.

In Vaghatin school, Nikol Pashinyan emphasized the value system teaching in educational institutions. The Prime Minister noted that it should be a state-centered value system, the core of which is the Republic of Armenia with its sovereignty, statehood, state symbols, knowledge of the state days, geography and territory of the Republic of Armenia. In this context, the Prime Minister emphasized the clarification of the concept "Motherland is the state" and the discussions on this topic in educational institutions.

The Prime Minister also noted that the school, every square kilometer, every corner of the Republic of Armenia, should be an object of concern for everyone. "Of course, there is an official who is responsible for everything, but it will not be possible to solve problems with officials alone. Being a citizen is the highest and most important position that each of us has."

Nikol Pashinyan also referred to the development of infrastructure in the village, including the improvement of the roads leading to schools.

Nikol Pashinyan and Anna Hakobyan also visited the primary school named after Gagik Vardanyan in Kirants, Tavush region. A modular school was built in Kirants. The total cost of the project was more than 737 million AMD. The newly built school is designed for 100 students, currently 36 students study there. It also has a preschool for 20 children. The school is fully equipped.

The Prime Minister addressed security issues at the newly built school in Kirants, particularly regarding school attendance. "I want to say in a responsible manner that in the history of Armenia's independence, it has never been safer to go to school in Kirats than today, it has never been safer to live in Kirats than today. And this is a very important point." Nikol Pashinyan added that when they say that it is safe to go to school in Kirants, it must mean that it is equally safe to go to school in the Azerbaijani village of Kheirimli.

The Head of the Government emphasized that what happened in Kirants, the demarcation process, is a huge success for our state. "This is a great success, because when you don't know where your state begins and ends, the question arises: do you have a state or not? We have laid the first serious cornerstone of Armenia's independent, sovereign, strong, peaceful state in Kirants," said Prime Minister Pashinyan.

Nikol Pashinyan noted that the newly built school is the most important symbol of the revival of Kirants, but it is also the most eloquent and important monument to all our fallen brothers.

"Glory to the martyrs,
And long live the Republic of Armenia
Long live Kirants and long live our children, who entered the newly built school of Kirants today,"
summed up the Prime Minister.

Nikol Pashinyan also got acquainted with the restoration works of the 19th century Holy Trinity Church in Kirants.

The last stop of the Prime Minister was Kaps secondary school in Shirak region. The total cost of the project was over AMD 747 million. The newly built school is intended for 100 children, and the preschool for 20 children. It is fully furnished. At the moment, 52 students are studying there.

Referring to the school construction project, Nikol Pashinyan emphasized the importance of ensuring its continuity and noted that it brings a new quality to villages, children, and life.

The Prime Minister reaffirmed the idea that the school should first of all prepare students and children for a prosperous, rich life. "We have to teach our children to become rich. To get rich and enrich the village, settlement, region, state with legal, creative work. This is the most important skill we need to teach our children."

The Head of the Government emphasized that all educational programs should be state-centered, because the state is the most important asset we have. According to Nikol Pashinyan, there is no more important value than the state and statehood, because they are the most important guarantee of preserving our identity. The Prime Minister emphasized that the national values, that should be taught at school as well, have also been recorded at the state level. The Prime Minister once again congratulated those present on the occasion of having a newly built school.




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